Tiger Reserves
Name Wise
State Wise
Counting of tigers in India is done in three phases. This method was created by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) & Wildlife Institute of India.
Phase 1: (Beat level data collection from ground surveys)Ground survey data at the beat level (i.e. the primary patrolling unit) was collected by field personnel in a standardized protocol after training. ( While the volunteers will seek signs of carnivores on the first three days by way of direct sighting and indirect evidence like scats or pellets and tracking pug marks, the focus will be on herbivore survey and vegetation for the remaining three days to give a holistic picture of the entire landscape).
Phase 2: (Habitat Characterization from satellite data) Statistical and satellite data were analyzed by the Wildlife Institute of India in collaboration with the National Tiger Conservation Authority.
Phase 3: (Computation of Tiger Density using Camera traps) The camera trapping procedure was conducted by research biologists. ⇒ Then through a mathematical model, statistical computation is done so as to check & balance all the errors in the three phases by comparing various figures obtained during the 3 phases. ⇒ Then by statistical computation, the ground survey data, Habitat Character Data & Relationship Equation (Tiger Density to Habitat Characters and Ground Survey) is computed together. This gives us the estimation of Tiger Population.
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